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5th Annual GPCA Fertilizer Convention

We would like to express our gratitude to the organizing committee for this excellent occasion to share our ideas and look forward to attending more international conferences hosted by GPCA.

Fertilizer Convention welcomed delegates from all over the world. The surveys referred to the subjects of Europe, Latin America, Iran, India, China and Russia development strategies, including raw materials (natural and shale gas) surveys and recent developments in the field of fertilizer manufacturing technologies.

It should be noted that the conference brought together leaders of fertilizers industries, top managers from analytical, equipment manufacturing companies and the students from universities which expressed great interest in the problems discussed.

The Convention became an important platform for the experts to share their opinion on how to tackle some of the fertilizer industry challenges and exploring further avenues of collaboration. Due to exceptional professionalism of organizers friendly and open atmosphere was felt all through the conference which made it inspiring and dynamic.

There is also growing evidence that attracting core team of experienced professionals, such as QAFCO, SABIC, GPIC, Fertil as well as highly experienced team of professional organizers made the event such a resounding success.

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