Centre of expertise was established in December 1998 following the application of the Federal Law "On industrial safety". Over the years of fruitful work Centre of Expertise of NIIK has performed a hundred of expert works including
Industrial safety expertise of design documentation for expansion, technical upgrading, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production units;
- Industrial safety expertise of other documentation connected with chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas refining plants operation;
- Expertise of technical devices used at hazardous production plants;
Centre of expertise is accredited at «Scientific Technical Center «Industrial Safety» as an expert company in Uniform System of Conformity Assessment. Our highly qualified and experienced professionals are professionally fulfilling the necessary scope of expert, calculation and analytical works.
Expert activities are being carried out based on the relative licenses.

According to «Federal Law on Licensing Individual Types of Activity № 99 (dated 02.07.2013) art. 9 cl. 4, art. 12 cl.49, licenses on performing expertise works on industrial safety is valid for an indefinite period. Voluntary membership was granted to NIIK by self regulating organization Ekspertprombesopastnost (Moscow).
For calculations of housings, buildings and outside units’ categories according to explosion and fire hazard, including risk and toxic affect the following software complexes are used: TOXI +Risk, SYTIS- Blok, РуroSim, SYTIS- FLAMMER. Software is based on «СFAST» and «FDS» models.
Contents of design and working documentation shall comply with the requirements of The Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 "On Composition of design documentation sections and requirements to their contents":
- «List of civil defense activities, predicting emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters»;
- «List of fire safety activities»;
- «Organization of employees’ labor and working conditions. Administrative and production control»;
- «Declaration of safety»;
«Requirements for safe operation of capital construction objects».
We are successfully executing a wide range of expert services, development of operational and design documentation and are ready to offer you cooperation for each type of works.