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JSC NIIK continues site supervision at JSC Shchekinoazot 09/06/2024

JSC NIIK continues site supervision at JSC Shchekinoazot

Construction of 525,000 TPY Ammonia and 700,000 TPA Urea plant at JSC Shchekinoazot is now at the final stage. Commissioning is scheduled in the first quarter of 2025.

Site supervision is needed to make construction go in strict accordance with the developed engineering documentation. Before the plant is commissioned, documentation shall be signed and approved, a number of operational tasks shall be solved and it shall be made sure that the construction site corresponds to all the performance indicators stated in the project. NIIK specialists from three departments such as civil, process and equipment automation departments visited the Construction site.

- Our goal was to approve the works for compliance with the regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation, as well as the Project Documentation, - said Daria Semina, NIIK civil engineer. – We signed Acts on building cladding, architecture and road construction. I would like to emphasize the significant readiness of the plant: almost all buildings are cladded, the water treatment system is being installed, and railway laying is in progress. Urea conveyor gallery to the storage is under construction.

As of today, Ammonia and Urea Complex is the biggest investment project of Shchekinoazot Company. Progressive technology of combined production of ammonia and urea is applied. The project will allow the company to expand its product range, increase competitiveness and market share.

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