Notification of the bringing the naming of the legal entity in line with the current regulation of the Russian Federation
JSC "NIIK" (former name of the Company) hereby notifies of the bringing its name in line with the current regulation of the Russian Federation.On November 24, 2021 the following changes were made in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities in accordance with the procedure established by the law:
• Full company name of the Company in Russian: Акционерное общество «Научно-исследовательский и проектный институт карбамида и продуктов органического синтеза».
• Abbreviated name of the Company in Russian: AO «НИИК».
• Full name of the Company in English: Joint Stock Company "Research and Design Institute of Urea and Organic Synthesis Products''.
• Abbreviated name of the Company in English: JSC NIIK.
• In view of the above, the seal, stamps and letterhead of the Company were changed. OGRN, TIN remained unchanged.