JSC "NIIK" is carrying out a project for the construction of ammonia and urea complex at the site of JSC "Shchekinoazot" together with China National Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. (CNCEC), which is the EPC contractor of the facility
The complex for the production of ammonia with a capacity of 525 000 tons per year and urea with a capacity of 700 000 tons per year at the site of JSC Shchekinoazot is being built by specialists from three reputable companies with rich experience in the chemical industry - JSC NIIK (adaptation of the basic engineering package, development of project documentation, adaptation of working documentation), JSC Shchekinoazot (customer) and Chinese CNCEC (basic package, working documentation, equipment procurement and construction).The technologies used in the complex for the production of ammonia and urea are modern, energy efficient and correspond to the best available technologies. To reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, the project provides for selective catalytic cleaning of flue gases from nitrogen oxides, the use of a purge synthesis gas as a fuel gas, which excludes its entry into the atmosphere, and other measures.