NIIK defines strategic directions of activity
15.02.2021. Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. NIIK chooses the strategic directions of activity up to 2023, said Valentina Kolodinskaya, the company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors.According to her, the key goal in NIIK’s strategy is to increase the business profitability while simultaneously reducing operating costs.
“At the present time changes in the world are happening very quickly, that’s why any company should follow the trends, striving to give the customer what he needs, and move in the same direction with the market.
So, in terms of engineering we plan to change the structure of project management and continue the introduction of modern CAD systems. Besides, we intend to maintain the status of NIIK as an R&D center. To do this we will continue developing and patenting our proprietary technologies. We will intensify the work related to ammonia, urea, nitric acid and methanol production improvement. We will also continue transition to the complex fertilizer production. By the way, the institute currently owns the rights to 33 Russian Federation and 44 foreign patents, Ms. Kolodinskaya remarked.
“A full-scale transition to 3D design will also become an important task for the company. Already now, the development of modern software products is very active – not only 3D, but also Multi-D. This is an integrated approach to planning and implementing of large projects. In addition, NIIK will continue to master AVEVA, PILOT and TEKLA software, Ms. Kolodinskaya said.
The company plans to change the structure of commercial activities: improve the procurement system, create front and back offices in the Russian Federation and abroad, engaged not only in maintaining current relations and contacts, supporting TCP and contracts, but also in post-contract interaction.
The company will also develop the marketing and strategic analysis direction, aimed to analyze customers’ needs and search for new directions of development.
“NIIK takes part in the largest gas and oil projects, that’s why we are interested in having qualified personnel, primarily engineers of various specialties from all regions of the country, - added Ms. Kolodinskaya. – Therefore, the development of our personnel, raising their professional level is a key task for business”.
“These are large-scale, resource-intensive and complex tasks, it will take time to implement them. 2020 has laid the foundations for transformations, and 2021 should be the year of active implementation of all programs,” she concluded.