NIIK took part in IFA workshop
September 6, 2017 NIIK took part in IFA workshop held during Russian Agricultural Exhibition "Golden Autumn" in Moscow. This is a main agricultural forum of the country organized annually with a support of Government of Moscow and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.The workshop was sponsored by UralChem, EuroChem, PhosAgro and Acron with a support provided by Ministry of Agriculture, International Plant Nutrition Institute, Russian Fertilizer association and International Fertilizer Association.
The seminar was attended by the leading fertilizer producing companies and Russian agribusiness representatives. From NIIK there were Mr Igor Esin, President & CEO and Mrs Natalia Kargaeva, head of International affairs department.
The discussions focused on the problems and strategic perspectives of Russian agroindustry, leading producer companies’ experience, approaches to increase effectiveness of the use of fertilizers and 4R nutrient stewardship principles (right source \right rate\right time\ right place) providing economic, social and environment aspects of plant nutrition management.
It was noted the need of mutual collaboration between fertilizer producers and consumers in Russia, identifying soil potential in Russian regions and effects of fertilizer application depending on different types of soil.
The Executive Director of Russian fertilizer association Mr. Igor Kaluzhsky reiterated the importance of reconnecting producers and consumers and suggested to fix this important aspect in the name of the association. Meeting discussions also highlighted the importance of expansion of agricultural land and revising policies affecting fertilizer use in Russian Federation.
The workshop provided a perfect space to discuss the questions of agricultural business as well as meet with our clients.