JSC NIIK was presented at FAI 2012 Annual Seminar which took place on December 10-12 2012 in Agra, India
JSC NIIK was presented at FAI 2012 Annual Seminar which took place on December 10-12 2012 in Agra, India. The Delegation consisted of Dy. General Director for R&D Nikolay Lobanov, Head of Process Department Rinat Anderzhanov, Head of International Affairs Department Natalia Kargaeva and International Affairs Manager Alexey Andreev.During the technical session of the Seminar, Mr Rinat Anderzhanov (JSC NIIK) and Mr GM Patel (CIFC) delivered a joint paper” Straight and Compound Fertilizer Granulation in High Speed Drum Granulator”. The presentation attracted much interest from the leading Indian fertilizer manufacturers. Mainly this is due to new subsidy policy of N, P, K, S micronutrients in fertilizers. Thus many fertilizer producers in India consider producing different types of compound fertilizers with emphasis on low OPEX and CAPEX indices. Leading agricultural institute, Indian Agricultural Research Institute expressed interest to Straight and compound fertilizer granulation in HSDG and offered cooperation in the field of agricultural evaluation of fertilizers with different micronutrients. After the presentation of the paper the delegates had a chance to ask Mr Rinat Anderzhanov and Mr GM Patel different questions regarding granulation technology in HSDG. Other papers presented at the Seminar touched upon different challenges in fertilizer sector like: “Novel approaches to enhance nutrient use efficiency”, Strategies to address rising international Prices” etc.