NIIK possesses the all methods and required devices for various chemical plants process equipment diagnostics.
In order to fulfill these purposes NIIK employs certified specialists and possesses all necessary instruments and appliances to carry out the following types of non-destructive inspections:
- eddy current thickness measurement and defectoscopy of heat-exchange equipment piping;
- defining of interlining gap size in the lined equipment in order to discover shell damage;
- eddy current defectoscopy of welding joints and of sealing surface of equipment;

One of promising and priority directions in equipment diagnostics is heat-exchange equipment tube bundles testing by eddy current method. This method is well suited for detection of such defects as reduction of thickness, cracks, corrosion pits and mechanical damages. This testing method consists in inserting a special probe inside the tube and scanning of the tube surface along the whole length. Multichannel eddy current flaw detectors manufactured by Zetec, Ectane, Olympus - recognised leaders in the field of eddy current inspection devices - are used as a recording device. Pipes made of both non-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials can be inspected using this method. Signal processing programmes ECVision, EtAnalys, etc. allow to correctly classify defects of heat-exchange pipes, determine their nature and depth.

Multichannel eddy current flaw detectors

NIIK has gained significant experience in the field of heat-exchange equipment diagnostics of not only urea plants but also of ammonia, acetic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, ethylene glycol,
styrene plants.
NIIK specialists are competent in the following urea plants equipment repair techniques:
- new rolled lining installation technique;
- proprietary new lining installation technique of lining with backing strap;
- high-pressure vessels shell (thick-walled and multilayer) reconstruction technique;
- heat-exchange equipment tube bundles replacement technique;
- seal assemblies, nozzles and other equipment elements replacement technique;
- internals installation technique in process of high-pressure vessels modification, etc.
For more than thirty years NIIK has been working in the field of main process equipment repair in many urea plants with total liquid recycle and stripping process on the territory of Russia and former USSR.

In the last ten years full and partial lining replacement works have been carried out with application of NIIK techniques and under NIIK specialists technical guidance and supervision in more than 15 urea synthesis columns supplied by Stamicarbon, Snamprogetti and Tecnimont.
The undoubted advantage of our company is the ability to perform all works on a turnkey basis, including the supply of steel products.
Full set of works on turnkey repair of lined column, vessel and heat-exchange apparatuses of high, medium and low pressure:
- development of repair technology and technical documentation taking into account design features of a particular apparatus
- development and supply of necessary technological equipment
- supply of all necessary blanks and welding materials
- assembly and welding works
- non-destructive quality control of completed works