NIIK has the capabilities to perform a set of technical and economic documentation for construction, as well as for operation and decommissioning of chemical production facilities. NIIK can perform the functions of general designer of chemical production facilities.
Pre-project engineering
- Estimation of technological processes and equipment;
- Notices of intent;
- Feasibility studies, technical economic calculations, Business plans, technical and commercial offers.
Design engineering

Authority package (project documentation) is developed in accordance with the requirements of the RF Government Resolution No. 87 of 16.02.2008. "On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements to their content" and GOST R 21.101-2020 SPDS "Basic requirements for design and working documentation". Necessity and scope of development of project documentation sections are determined by the Customer and specified in the design assignment.
Detail engineering is developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.101-2020 SPDS "Basic requirements for project documentation and detail engineering" and other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

NIIK in cooperation with leading local and foreign companies develops non-standard process equipment, including high-pressure equipment. Both complex design of process plants and development of any sections of project documentation and detail engineering documentation according to the Customer's assignment are possible.
Post-project engineering
- Engineer maintenance of a project documentation expertise.
- Supervision for construction and technological units assembly
Besides core business activities NIIK is also performing:
- Design of fully mechanized storage facilities for mineral fertilizers and other chemical products, comprising, depending on conditions: –bulk or packed product storage; –classification unit; –bulk shipping to rail, road or water transport (bulk carriers); –bagging and soft container (big-bags) unit with subsequent shipment by rail or road; –continuous handling system;
- Projects of liquid chemicals warehouses, including projects of bringing existing warehouses to the requirements of the current regulations and standards;
- Projects of cooling units, including projects of bringing existing units to the requirements of effective standards and regulations.