Company information

Company information



Key Milestones and Achievements

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Corporate policy

JSC NIIK is a large Russian engineering company with more than 70 years of the history (founded on October 31st, 1952). The company is one the leaders on engineering service market in the field of design and development of ammonia, urea, melamine, nitric acid, ammonia nitrate, methanol, hydrogen and other chemical product plants. The company is substantially involved in construction of new state-of-the-art plants in Russia and CIS performing the full scope of services as a general contractor: from feasibility studies for investments to site supervision during construction.

JSC NIIK possesses its own urea production technology as well as equipment diagnostics and repair technologies.

JSC NIIK develops projects for almost any production based on the BEPs of foreign licensors.

JSC NIIK carries out its engineering activities based on the membership in Self-regulating organization Association “NEFTEGAZOKHIMPROEKT” (Moscow) and its construction activities based on the membership in Self-regulating organization Association “Nizhny Novgorod Builders Union”.

JSC NIIK implies: