Social responsibility

Employees of NIIK are guaranteed:
Competitive compensation and benefits package:
NIIK employees are provided with:
- Decent and stable wages
- Flexible working hours
- Unlimited career growth
- Longevity bonuses based on work experience
- Comfortable working conditions and provision of occupational safety

- Unique professional tasks that are interesting to solve
- An active talent pool program — preparing successors from among employees at all management levels in the Company
- Professional training and retraining
- Development programs for young specialists and training
- Access to a large, constantly updated library of technical literature

- Participation in international projects and business trips abroad
- Training and skill enhancement funded by the company
- Participation in professional conferences and forums
- Paid educational leave
- Modern digital programs and equipment
- Recognition of achievements, awards for the best: professional skill competitions, nominations for corporate, industry, and state awards
Extended social package:

- Medical assistance and voluntary health insurance for employees
- Presence of a trade union organization
- Food subsidies in the cafeteria
- Dedicated parking for cars in Dzerzhinsk
- Organization of leisure activities for employees' children
- Participation in sports events and a gym on the institute's premises
- Corporate events, holidays, and contests with valuable prizes
- Bonus deposit program
- Material assistance for employees
- Employee "Vitamination" program
Join the NIIK team!

A talent pool program is in effect — preparing successors from among employees at all management levels in the Company.

An experienced specialist is assigned as a mentor to each new employee, helping them quickly understand the specifics of the work, comprehend the interaction processes between structural divisions, and practically immerse themselves in project activities during the first three months.

- Training in master's and doctoral programs with paid educational leave.
- The "Best NIIK Young Employee professional skills competition — a unique opportunity for young specialists under 35 to showcase their professional skills. The competition stimulates the development of talented youth and fosters the creation of new ideas and technologies in engineering. Winners receive well-deserved recognition, monetary rewards, and the opportunity to continue their professional development within our company.

In-house training sessions are conducted aimed at developing management skills, personal effectiveness, and team cohesion. To overcome language barriers when communicating with foreign colleagues, English language training is provided.
Institute employees undergo mandatory certification in industrial safety, skill enhancement courses, and software training according to their job profiles. An annual planned certification of employees is conducted to help them improve their qualifications and obtain higher-paying positions.
Joining self-regulatory organizations imposes additional training requirements for designers, namely skill enhancement for managers and specialists in the design of hazardous and technically complex capital construction facilities at least once every five years.

Mastering new software complexes may take time; therefore, we provide comprehensive training and support so that NIIK specialists can fully utilize advanced engineering software.
By prioritizing employee training and providing ongoing support, the company helps workers feel confident in their abilities to use the most modern design tools. These practices have repeatedly proven effective.
Corporate holidays and traditions
The aim of NIIK corporate policy is creation of a strong company with distinctiveness and corporate soul.
The essential feature of NIIK corporate policy is its openness. We are ready to share our experience with our partners and customers and are open to learning new information, knowledge and news. During local and international exhibitions and conferences NIIK team is always distinguished by unique corporate style and application of corporate branding.
There are various traditions in our company.
Company’s anniversary and traditional calendar holidays (the New Year, Defender of the Motherland Day, International Women’s Day, Chemists’ Day, participation in demonstrations) give the company’s employees the opportunity to realize their creativity, create a cohesive team and an opened and friendly atmosphere.
Continuity of generations is essential for the company, and specialists’ children often extend the family dynasty and choose working for NIIK. NIIK management pays great attention to new joiners and their adaptation in the company that’s why meetings of the management and new employees are organized quarterly.
An extensive program has been developed for the young company’s specialists. Cooperation of experienced mentors and creative young people gives wonderful opportunities for studying and promotion. “The best young specialist” contest is held annually for the young specialists to approve themselves.
NIIK organizes Welcome Days for students and pupils, participates in career fairs.
Another NIIK heart-warming tradition is respect to the past and to company’s veterans. Individual support, congratulations, Victory Day celebration, Day for the Elderly, company’s anniversary are traditional for NIIK.
NIIK is a company with rich history which is reflected in the pages of corporate editions: historical digest, issued for company’s 55th anniversary, two-volume book “NIIK. We are 60! Biography of projects” and “Biography of persons”, "65-year journey! NIIK - way to project engineering", and in the company museum.
Taking into consideration the fact, that a corporate newsletter inspire the personnel and promote the ideas and the achievements of the company, in year 2007 NIIK started issuing a corporate page in city newspapers “Dzerzhinets” and “Dzerzhinskoe vremya”. In year 2011 the company started issuing its own corporate newspaper “Engineering renaissance”.
Other corporate traditions include photo contests and contests devoted to other hobbies of the employees and their family members. Announcement of the results of competitions, recognition and awarding of the participants and the winners, exhibition of the best works are mandatory attributes of every contest.
Nowadays corporate culture is the formula for success of the company.
Sports, health, recreation
Various sports events are held in NIIK making a contribution in the employees’ health.
Nowadays more than a half of NIIK specialists regularly take physical exercises and every fifth employee goes in for a certain kind of sports.
Annually over a half of employees take advantage of discounts for going to the swimming pool and for attendance of medical rehabilitation centers for musculo-skeletal system disease prevention which is paid by the company.

There is a company-owned sports and fitness complex where the company employees play volleyball, futsal, ping pong, do aerobics, workouts (the workout room is equipped with up-to-date cardio-vascular machines, a treadmill and an exercise bicycle), practice air rifle shooting.
Participation of our teams in the city Spartakiads is always an important event for the company and NIIK teams are traditionally in the list of winners. Various corporate competitions with participation of the colleagues from other city companies in different kinds of sports are held in NIIK for example on a Chemists’ Day and Company Anniversary.
We believe that a good employee means a healthy employee, that’s why the issue of employees’ health is paid great attention to.
Wellness program adopted in NIIK includes:

- annual medical inspections and vaccination;
- medical room and massage cabinet;
- subsidized health resorts vouchers;
- hot meals and canteen.
Medical inspections are held in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation based on the rules established by order № 302н of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Depending on the employees’ work experience NIIK pays up to 80% of the price of vouchers in health resorts located on the Black Sea coast, in Belarus, Kirov, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novrogod region and other regions.
The company compensates for up to 70% of the price of children’s holidays in health resorts and recreation camps.
Diversified leisure activities help work more efficiently and develop creativity.
The major emphasis in the personnel leisure time and health improvement policy is put on the family participation. Company employees and their family members participate in picnics, Neptune’s days and sport relays with great enthusiasm.
On weekends company employees and their family members visit “Trud” ice skating rink located in Nizhny Novgorod and sports and recreation center “Oka”. They go summer fishing and winter fishing, pick mushrooms. On the New Year’s Eve children always go to one of Dzerzhinsk or Nizhny Novgorod theaters and receive sweet gifts.
Leisure activities include as well various excursion trips to Russia’s historical places of interest, visits to the theaters and concerts organized and partly paid for by NIIK.
Eventful life and good physical fitness are the targets fixed by the management and are key to the success of the employees.